Exploring data and basic statistics:
Naming variables and categories of variables (complete example)
Logarithmic transformations and recoding of variables (complete example)
Compute matrix polyserial and polychoric correlations (complete example)
Polychoric correlation matrix with all variables ordinal (MA = PM) (complete example)
Tetrachoric correlations with asymptotic variance estimated from grouped data (complete example)
Estimating asymptotic variances and covariances (MA=CM) (complete example)
Estimating asymptotic variances and covariances (MA = KM) (complete example)
Estimating asymptotic variances and covariances (MA=PM) (complete example)
Test of univariate and multivariate normality (complete example)
Latent variable models with interaction and non-linear relationships (complete example)
Homogeneity tests for categorical variables (complete example)
Multivariate multinomial probit regressions (complete example)
Imputation and bootstrap examples: