To download the entire set of examples, click here.
To see an example of the new HTML output available for selected models in LISREL 12, click here. For more on new features in LISREL 12, please see New Features.
Preview the example by clicking on each of the topics below, or download the entire example (PDF, data and syntax files) by clicking on the link in parentheses after the topic name.
An introduction to SEM for single groups (complete example)
New 16 character examples:
Measurement models: Ability and aspiration (complete example)
Path analysis with latent variables: stability of alienation (complete example)
Path analysis with latent variables: performance and satisfaction (complete example)
Non-recursive system: peer influences on ambition (complete example)
Estimation of means of latent variables: mean difference in verbal ability (complete example)
Estimation of means of latent variables: nine psychological variables with factor means (complete example)
Structural equation model for work ethics data (complete example)
Confidence interval estimates for work ethic data (complete example)
Observational residuals examples:
Latent variable scores (complete example)
Latent variable scores and calculating residuals (complete example)
Estimating residuals using the Kenny-Judd data (complete example)
Analysis based on covariance matrices: Example 1 (complete example)
Analysis based on covariance matrices: Example 2 (complete example)
Multiple group analysis with missing data (complete example)
Multiple imputation and FIML (complete example)
Latent curve examples:
Growth curves (complete example)
Ordinal data analysis:
Analysis of ordinal variables (complete example)
Additional LISREL examples:
Problems with analysis of correlation matrices (complete example)
A model for tests that differ in length only (complete example)
PRELIS examples:
Exploring data and basic statistics: